For bicyclists, every trip on the roads is potentially dangerous. Drivers are behind the wheels of vehicles hundreds of pounds heavier than a bicycle. An impact can throw a cyclist, cause severe injuries or even crush him or her. This is why it's important for...
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Bicycle Accidents
Cyclists can stay safe with a few precautions
Bicyclists are out on the roads more than ever today. Part of the reason is because gasoline was expensive for several years. Another reason is because it's good exercise. Regardless of the reason you choose to be on the roads on your bicycle, it's important that you...
DUI leads to bicycle crash in Portland
It's not always one single person who causes an accident or who is at fault for a collision. Depending on the scenario, more than one person may be held liable for an incident, even if they both didn't cause the accident directly. That's something to consider when you...
Bike-on-bike crashes can be dangerous to riders
While most people think of bicycle accidents as occurring between bicyclists and motor vehicles, it's still possible for multiple bicyclists to get into an accident. With more people heading out onto the roads on their bicycles, it's not unusual for attorneys to get...
Bicycle safety: These tips can help protect your child
As a child, one of your favorite things to do may have been to hop on your bicycle and ride to a friend's house. Maybe it was a form of exercise you used to hang out with family members or cycling was how you got to school. In any case, bicycling was a part of life,...
Cyclists: These tips can keep you safer on the roads
As a cyclist, you know that much of the time, your life is in your own hands. Drivers don't always make way for you, and they can speed past or not give you enough room to get by safely. Sometimes they tailgate or throw open their doors in your lane. Fortunately,...
Keep your child safe on the roads with these biking tips
Bicycling safety is important for adults on the roads, but more important is education for youth. Children are at a higher risk of injuries and collisions than adults, particularly because they have less experience on the roads. Children love going out on their bikes....
Hit by a car? You could have a right to a claim
If there's one thing that Portland does well, it's participating in outdoor events. Organized bicycling is one way to get a community to come together and experience the outdoors, but it does pose some risks when you head into the city. There are a few things to keep...
Heading out in the winter? These tips can keep you safer
While not every accident can be prevented by riding your bicycle safely, you are the first line of defense against accidents. The winter can be cold and treacherous, but taking steps to keep yourself in good shape and your bike in good condition can help you avoid...
3 tips for staying safe on your winter cycling commute
Staying safe when you ride a bike to work or school in the winter has to be a priority. Drivers may not expect to see someone cycling in chillier weather conditions, and rain, sleet and snow make it imperative that you take time to perform maintenance on your bicycle...