Readers may have heard that popular ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft are, as of today, officially permitted to operate in the city of Portland as part of a four-month long pilot program. In implementing the program, city officials will be gathering information...
Experience Brings Winning Results
Month: April 2015
Woman’s coma recovery offers hope, means challenges for family
When extraordinary injuries are suffered in an accident extraordinary medical measures are often required. Not only is a commitment to care important, but sometimes a commitment to patience is critical. The annals of medicine are filled with stories about patients who...
Scope of personal injury causes supports consulting an attorney
When do you think about the possibility that you'll get hurt in the normal course of daily life? We suspect it isn't very often. If it was a regular element of the average mindset, none of us would ever get out of bed. Fear is a good thing, but you can't live a very...
Improving pedestrian safety can be a community thing
Back in February, we turned a spotlight on pedestrian safety. The emphasis in that post was on the steps that both pedestrians and drivers can take to reduce the risks of deadly or injury-causing pedestrian-auto accidents. The ones commonly applied across the board...