A few years ago, an Oregon woman lost her two daughters in a tragic pedestrian accident which prosecutors attempted to try as a hit-and-run case. However, because of the way Oregon law was written, the driver who hit the girls and admittedly drove away from the scene...
Experience Brings Winning Results
Month: February 2018
Electrical cord dangers on construction sites
Before you and your co-workers begin the day's work, someone should have inspected every tool and piece of equipment that you will use, including the electrical cords and plugs. OSHA has developed standards for these that everyone on the construction site should know...
Helping pedestrians pursue recovery from all at-fault parties
A previous post on this blog discussed the added layer of complexity it adds to a pedestrian accident when the driver responsible for the incident takes off from the scene and is never found. In these sorts of situations, however, our law office is available to help...
What if the driver is never located?
Although Portland is known for being a friendly city where people help each other out and try to do the right thing, there are always a few bad apples out there who, sadly, think of others very little when it comes to protecting their self-interest. Unfortunately,...
Can I lose my job for filing a workers’ compensation claim?
Like its sister states, Oregon's workers' compensation system is a no fault system, meaning that, generally speaking, no one is going to ask whether a work-related injury was due to the mistake or even the carelessness of the employee. In other words, the system...