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Insurance Companies Denying PIP Benefits for Medical Bills

On Behalf of | Aug 8, 2023 | Firm News |

If you’ve been injured in a car accident recently in Oregon you most likely have a right to get your related medical bills and wage loss paid by PIP under your own car insurance. PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection and is part of all Oregon auto insurance policies. Using PIP does not increase your premiums if you were not at fault in causing the accident. Insurance companies don’t always help you obtain these benefits, but call us! We can look at your case for free and if we take it we will make sure you are paid what you are owed.

Insurance companies often wrongly deny paying PIP benefits, which are medical bills and lost wages. We fight hard and quickly to get the insurance company to pay you what it owes you. For instance, the insurance company must pay you for up to 52 weeks of lost wage benefits if you are taken off work by your doctor due to your injuries. We will fight for that quickly. Also, insurers must pay your medical bills from a car accident for up to two years and at minimum $15,000 in bills. Some policies offer even higher limits. Again, we will fight hard and fast to make sure the companies are paying what they owe.

Call us or schedule an appointment directly online so we can review your unique case and get started.

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