Although Portland is known for being a city where people of all ages ride their bikes both for pleasure and to get where they are going, the reality is that bicycles are still particularly popular among children and youth, particularly those who are too young to drive...
Experience Brings Winning Results
Month: June 2018
Significant causes of major workers’ compensation claims
Even in lines of work that people in Portland, Oregon, might think of as safe, employees can get severely injured in a lot of ways. These so-called catastrophic work injuries can, in one fell swoop, lead to millions of dollars in workers' compensation payments in the...
Representation of workers exposed to toxins
A previous post on this blog talked about how employers in Portland and the rest of Oregon have an obligation to protect their workers from exposure to chemicals and other toxic substances. When toxins have to be used in the course of a business's trade, then an...
How to handle an angry driver after a car accident
Oregon has strict roadway laws, but that does not stop the total number of traffic fatalities from rising. There was a sharp increase in the number of deaths on Oregon roads in 2016 compared to 2013, according to a report from Statesman Journal. There is much to take...
Marijuana, drugs a problem on Oregon roads
Most Oregonians know by now that marijuana is allowed under the laws of this state. No matter how one feels about this issue, it is hard to deny that this change has made an impact on traffic safety, particularly with respect to car accidents related to drugged...
Oregon employers have a duty to protect workers from toxins
Even though there are constant efforts in Oregon to improve the quality of the environment generally and, in particular, within the workplace, the reality is that many workers in the Portland area still have to work with or around chemicals that are known to be toxic...