An Oregon man is facing charges after he fainted behind the wheel, causing a serious car crash. Three vehicles were involved in the car crash, and the 19-year-old driver apparently admitted to officers on the scene that he was intentionally holding his breath while...
Experience Brings Winning Results
Month: May 2014
Potential toxic exposure in Oregon portable classrooms
It has recently been brought to the attention of authorities that some portable classrooms could potentially subject teachers to toxic exposure of mold and other irritants. Once the teachers notified school authorities of the symptoms they had suffered after being in...
Fines levied after fatal work accident at a wild cat sanctuary
The WildCat Haven Sanctuary in Oregon is facing public scrutiny and fines after a fatal work accident at its facility. The facility is facing fines and penalties from the incident, but it is appealing these measures. In fact, the wildcat sanctuary is meeting with the...
Woman facing manslaughter charges after fatal car accident
An Oregon woman has been officially charged with manslaughter after a fatal car accident claimed the lives of two people. She was charged upon her release from the hospital, but the fatal car accident took place last month. At the time of the incident, law enforcement...
Oregon woman blamed for wrong-way crash related to drunk driving
Law enforcement personnel in Washington County say an Oregon woman was responsible for a drunk driving crash that was caused when she drove on the wrong side of the road. Three people were injured in the wrong way crash, and the authorities believe that the woman may...