If you get into a car accident in Oregon, there are a number of things you need to do, even if you're not the person at fault for the accident. Failing to follow the law could result in legal repercussions for you, too. When the crash takes place, the most important...
Experience Brings Winning Results
Year: 2015
Why are there so many crashes on Oregon roads?
Oregon's traffic crashes claim many lives and result in the injury of thousands each year. There's no debate that traffic accidents could be reduced in the state, and while efforts are made, those efforts can't help you after an incident has occurred. If you've been...
What are some common construction injuries?
When you're working in the construction field, you're exposed to hundreds of dangerous situations. Construction poses a serious risk to workers, with over 9 percent of the injuries suffered by workers in the United States in 2009 being linked to construction workers...
Horns don’t matter when pedestrians use headphones
Accidents between cars and pedestrians wearing headphones have been trending upward, and that trend has been pretty sharp. Back in 2004 and 2005, a study found that there were only 16 of these accidents all across the United States. Just a few years later, between...
1 killed, 2 injured in SUV and bicycle accident in Oregon
As someone who enjoys cycling through the scenic areas of Oregon, you probably already recognize that there are dangers to your life when you're on the road. Cars sometimes pass too closely; they speed up to get around you or slow down at the last minute after failing...
Seek the money you need after a personal injury
Sometimes, businesses and individuals neglect their property or are negligent in their actions. When recklessness and negligence take place, your life can be put at risk and you could be injured. Injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to head injuries or fatal...
What do I do if I’ve been hurt at work in Oregon?
If you get hurt on your job in Oregon, you have a few choices to make to start with. If you're injured but have time before you need to seek medical help, then you'll normally inform your employer of your injury and fill out the necessary paperwork before you head to...
Pedestrian injury statistics in the United States
Pedestrian safety is important, because you don't want to feel at risk every time you walk near a roadway or through a parking lot. There are thousands of deaths caused by pedestrian accidents each year, so it's up to you to stay safe and to make sure you report any...
How many pedestrians are killed each year in Oregon?
As someone who walks to work or takes jogs in the morning, it's important to know that you're going to be safe on and near roadways. Oregon seems to be safe generally speaking, but if you're struck by a car because a driver is being negligent, it can cause an impact...
You deserve compensation after being struck on your bicycle
Riding your bicycle is good for your health, the environment and entertainment. You may enjoy cruising the city streets or pedaling through the rural areas of town. Whatever you do, you know that you are at some risk of being hit by drivers on the roads, even though...