Oregon police say serious injuries resulted from a two-vehicle crash involving a motorcycle on a recent afternoon in Douglas County. Reportedly, a car on Oregon Highway 138 attempted to make a left turn off of the highway, crossing into the path of an oncoming motorcycle. A nearly head-on car accident resulted, seriously injuring the cyclist, who was wearing a safety helmet. He was taken to Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend. The car driver suffered minor injuries.
After the incident, the car driver was cited for making a dangerous left turn. It is unclear if police have completed their investigation of this serious car accident. Once their work is complete, the official report will likely address the facts and circumstances surrounding the car accident and may indicate officially who was at fault in causing the collision.
If the car driver is found to have acted negligently in failing to drive safely and appropriately, the motorcyclist may have legal options. Under Oregon personal injury laws, a victim seriously injured due to the negligence of another party may be able to make a claim for monetary damages. This claim could include reimbursement for lost wages and the cost of medical care, among other damages.
As accident victims recover from their injuries, it may be wise to document the necessary medical care and monetary losses, including any lost time from work. Along with that information and a review of the accident report and other available evidence, car accident victims can then decide if they wish to pursue a claim for reimbursement of damages suffered from the car accident.
Source: oregonlive.com, “18-year-old motorcycle driver seriously injured in Douglas County crash,” Molly Hottle, April 29, 2012