A pedestrian accident can change your life, but with the right help, you can seek compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. Whether you have medical bills to pay or funeral costs to offset, it should be the responsibility of the at-fault party to pay for those costs.
Pedestrian accidents have been in a decline, but they’re still common today throughout the United States. In 2014, 4,884 pedestrians were killed in crashes that involved motor vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That works out to around 12 people being killed every day.
Additionally, around one injury takes place every eight minutes, according to the same statistics. The truth is that they may take place more often than that. Pedestrian accidents take place more often than it may appear, because many are not reported to the police. Instead, the victim heads directly to the hospital.
It’s true that pedestrian injuries have been on a decline for almost two decades, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you don’t have to worry about. When you look at the statistics, it’s fair to ask if walking is actually more dangerous than other modes of travel. Pedestrians are over-represented in crash data and account for 14 percent of all fatalities.
There is no reliable data to show how many miles are walked each year or how many hours people spend near or around the roads. Without the data needed, it’s harder to show if pedestrians are actually more likely to be injured or killed in a collision on a per mile basis.