You may not have expected a car to run over your foot while it backed out, and you probably didn’t expect to get hit by a car when you were turning in an intersection. The same factor seems to run through many personal injury cases: One party was simply negligent. Being distracted by a text message while driving or deciding to drink behind the wheel isn’t a good reason to put others at risk.
Now that you’ve suffered a personal injury, it’s time to consider the options you have in Portland. If you have medical bills that are piling up or travel costs are eating away at your savings, you can claim these losses against the accident. Sometimes, you’ll want to file a claim with the other party’s insurance carrier, but remember that you’ll want to have someone on your side to help you negotiate.
If the other party doesn’t have insurance, then you may have to take them to court to get the compensation you need. In cases where the driver of a vehicle was uninsured or underinsured, you may be able to make a claim to your own insurance provider, but not all people are able to do so.
It’s important that you can negotiate aggressively and get the money you need to compensate you for your losses. You didn’t just suffer a simple injury and have medical bills to pay; you also lost out on time with your family, lost work wages, and have a damaged vehicle. You were in pain and you were left with an injury due to someone’s poor decision. Our website has information on how you can get the money you deserve.