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Oregon firefighter killed in tragic bicycle accident

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2014 | Bicycle Accidents |

An Oregon firefighter was killed in a tragic bicycle accident along I-84 near Hood River. She was dedicated to her job and was named firefighter of the year in 2010. The bicycle accident occurred when a pickup truck hit her from behind. She was thrown from her bike, and despite wearing a helmet, she died at the scene of the traffic collision.

Bicycle accidents are particularly dangerous because the cyclist is always at a high risk of bodily harm. Unlike a car, the cyclist has no protection from the steel frame of a car or truck in case of an accident. According to Oregon law enforcement, it is believed that the driver of the truck was tired, which caused him to drift onto the shoulder of the road.

Fatigued driving is dangerous and can cause serious accidents, as apparently illustrated by this unfortunate incident. The driver is cooperating with authorities as they investigate this accident further. Apart from any criminal charges, the driver could also face civil claims for financial responsibility due to the death of the cyclist.

Surviving members of the victim’s family could consider the option of seeking financial relief through the courts. Any claim must be supported by evidence that the accident and death were caused by the pickup driver’s negligence. The wrongful death claim would be filed against the driver and, potentially, any other party with an ownership stake in the pickup truck. If the driver was on duty for his job at the time of the accident, his employer may also be named as a defendant in the civil suit. Evaluating documented evidence from the bicycle accident will determine the best course of action for the family.

Source: koin.com, “Mosier firefighter of the year killed cycling on I-84”, , Aug. 24, 2014

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