While employed by Bar M Ranch in Oregon, a young teenager had a severe fall which resulted in paralysis. The work accident occurred when she was on a high swing and plunged 40 feet to the ground. Her parents claim that she was injured while performing her work duties and that she was not outfitted with adequately fitting safety gear.
After her fall, she was left with several broken bones, a fractured pelvis and also suffered severe damage to her elbow. The injuries have left her unable to walk and return to her normal high school activities. She is currently confined to home but there is hope that with advanced medical treatment, she could walk again.
The medical treatment and cost of caring for a wheelchair-bound person can be exorbitant. There is no indication that the family will take legal action against the Oregon ranch, but there could be evidence that the ranch acted negligently in regard to the safety and well-being of its staff. If that were demonstrated, it would then be possible that the injured girl and her family could be compensated for the pain and suffering from the accident.
It is possible that any employee of a severe work accident could be eligible for financial compensation by pursuing a civil lawsuit. While a settlement cannot undo damage and injury, it can help ease the financial burden that often accompanies an unexpected accident. Before any family could be awarded a settlement from a personal injury or wrongful death claim, evidence and documentation must be presented to validate the claims. When exploring this option, a victim may choose to first evaluate their case to determine the best way to proceed.
Source: The News Tribune, Cassidy Almquist headed to California hospital that specializes in spinal cord injuries, Ty Beaver, Feb. 2, 2014