Like people all across the country, many in Oregon like to eat popcorn as a treat or snack. Now, one popcorn snack is the subject of a dangerous product recall. In fact, the popcorn branded Popcorn, Indiana, came in many different flavors, many of which are subject to the recall. If consumed, the popcorn could cause some in our state to become ill.
Authorities discovered that the snack had been distributed in Oregon and across the country through Internet sales. The popcorn, with ‘Best By’ labels containing dates in February and March of 2013, is suspected of being contaminated with the organism, Listeria. This organism can attack both the frail and the healthy and can cause many medical issues for those who have consumed food that has been contaminated.
Many flavors of the popcorn have been included in the dangerous product warning. If consumed, they can illicit symptoms such as headaches, nausea and high fever. In some with weakened immune systems, the contamination could even be fatal. If a person in our state believes that they have consumed the popcorn, they may wish to seek medical care if such symptoms become apparent.
The dangerous product can be returned to the place where it was purchased or to the manufacturing company. However, if medical illness is experienced, a person may wish to keep detailed records of their treatment. These records may be useful if the ill individual decides to pursue a lawsuit for damages caused by the dangerous popcorn under our local personal injury laws. Such damages could include medical expenses, missed work or other types of financial losses.
Source:, “Popcorn products recalled due to possible health risk,” Sept. 30, 2012